Let me help you build the perfect glute & hammie workout 👌
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1️⃣ RDL/ Compound: we starting with a hinge movement that requires max effort due to the load you’ll lift. Keeping reps tight at 6 reps 4 working sets. Your first set will be a warm up at 12 reps (just bar) before progressing onto your next warm up set with added weight. Once you feel ready load her up! Each set aim to add more weight if you can.
2️⃣ HIP THRUST: moving to your queen of glute exercise the hip thrust. Here you’re going to do a warm up set at 40/50% max weight for 10-12 reps. Your first working set you need to up the weight at around 70% max weight and perform 7/8 reps. Increasing the weight each time your final set (set 5) need to be 4 reps only at best
3️⃣ SPLIT SQUAT/ unilateral: single leg movement is a must my choice was splits today. Reps are low weight is high, with around 60lbs (27.5kg) on each hand my max was 7/8 reps each leg 4 sets
4️⃣ GHD Curls: perfect isolation movement that will completely burn out those hammies. Aim to perform around 3/4 sets at as many reps as possible.
5️⃣ MEDIUS KICK BACK/ iso/ accessory: finishing off with some extra targeted glute love. The cable Medius kick back. Weight should still feel challenging but bare in mind it’s an isolation movement so you won’t be lifting as heavy as your big movements. 12 reps each leg 3 sets
There you have it, simple, to the point and progressive.
If you love this workout when you try it you’ll absolutely adore my STRONG LOWER BODY program on the @evolveyou app download it, have a set program and change your life… literally 🔥 link in bio
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