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Muscle Building Arm Workout | Highrepsfortoning #shorts

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1️⃣ Single Arm Rope Hammer Curl
2️⃣ Swiss Bar Neutral Grip Bench
3️⃣ Ez Bar Cable Curl
4️⃣ Tricep Overhead Extension
5️⃣ Single Arm Machine Curl
6️⃣ Cable Tricep Extension


? Win Then Win Again

Tip from Noah: "Notes: Arms are one of those body parts that most people rarely lack altogether, but more than likely have just one area of the arm that lacks (either the triceps are lagging, but biceps are good, or vice versa where the biceps are lagging, but the triceps are good). Depending on whichever area is lagging; it can be very helpful in getting the lagging area up to speed by starting the workout off with it. If triceps are lagging, start with a tricep exercise. If biceps are lagging, start with a biceps exercise. This way you're putting the maximum amount of energy into the area you want to improve, instead of training the good area first while slowly losing the energy and effort you can put in to the muscle needing the most improvement."


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