In a previously unreported text, Donald Trump Jr. lays out ideas for keeping it father in power by undermining the Electoral College process, according to a report reviewed by CNN. The text is among the records received by the House Select Committee on Inquiry on January 6, 2021.
“It’s very simple,” Trump Jr. wrote to Meadows. on November 5, will add later in the same message: “We have several paths, We control them all.”
In a statement to CNN, Trump Jr.’s attorney, Alan S. Futerfas, said: “Since the election, Don has received numerous messages from supporters and others. Given the date, this message likely came from someone else and was redirected.”
Directly before his text is Meadows describing several paths. for Disputing the election, Trump Jr texted Meadows: “This is what we are need do please read this and please pass it on to anyone who needs it because I don’t sure we doing this”.
A text message dated November 5 describes strategy it is almost identical to what the allies of in former The President tried to out in subsequent months. Trump Jr. specifically mentions filing lawsuits and advocating recounts to prevent certain swing states from confirming their results and also from having multiple of Republican state houses set forward shales of fake “Trump electors”.
If all this failed, according to Trump Jr.’s text, GOP lawmakers in Congress could just vote reinstall Trump as president on January 6.
“We have operational control of Total Leverage,” the report says. “The moral high ground of POTUS must start 2nd term Now.”
Text from Trump Jr. revealing on number of levels. This is shows how closest to former The President was already exchange of ideas for how to cancel the elections months before the January 6 uprising—and before votes even considered. There were still two days left before the major. news The media announced Joe Biden winner on November 7th.
Text also adds to the growing body of certificate of how Trump’s inner circle actively participated in discussion how to challenge elections results.
March 28 Judge David Carter, federal judge in California, said that Trump along with with conservative lawyer John Eastman launched an “unprecedented” campaign cancel democratic elections, calling them a “coup in Search of legal theory”.
George Terwilliger, Attorney for Meadows, declined to comment for This story. representative for House selection committee declined to comment.
Trump anticipation campaign strategy
Within weeks of the 2020 election, Trump and his allies eventually filed more over 60 unsuccessful lawsuits in key states, failing to convince the courts that his allegations of stolen the election was justified, or disclose any evidence of pervasive voter fraud.
They are also called for various recalculations based on on the same unsubstantiated allegations of electoral fraud. Number of states have recalculated in months after the election, although none of they uncovered any fraud significant enough to have changed result of in vote in any state.
While Trump Jr publicly pushed various conspiracy theories about electoral fraud and generally casts doubt on results in states like Pennsylvania and Georgia, his text to Meadows shows that other ideas were privately discussed.
In particular, Trump Jr. preview strategy drive out real voters with fake Republican electors in A handful of states. Eventually this plan was developed and implemented. out allies of in former President and under the supervision of his then lawyer Rudy Giuliani.
In his message to Meadows, Trump Jr. highlights two key dates in December that serve as deadlines for states to confirm their electoral results and force Congress to accept them. Although the dates are mostly ceremonial, in his Trump Jr text seems to point to them as potential weaknesses to exploit by questioning on legitimacy of elections results.
Seeking Trump Electors
Trump Jr.’s text to Meadows on Nov. 5 was similar to of faithless voters began to leak out publicly on conservative social media. Trump Jr sent the text to Meadows at 12:51 p.m. just minutes later conservative radio host Mark Levine tweeted a similar idea and proposed to state legislatures final to tell on voters.
If the secretaries of the state failed to verify resultsTrump Jr says. in his message to Meadows that they should take advantage of having Republican-controlled state meetings”step in”and put forward individual shales of “Trump Electors,” he writes.
“Republicans control Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, etc., we get Trump’s electors,” Trump Jr. said. adds.
Trump Jr.’s text, however, refers to an untested legal theory that ultimate authority in elections and intervene put forward another tablet of voters than those chosen by voters when in reality it is a ceremonial process, and the outcome is essentially a foregone conclusion.
Justice Department and House committee investigate conspiracy of fake voters in context of what unfolded on January 6 and Trump’s broader efforts to cancel the election.
strategy suggested by Trump Jr. is similar to what was outlined former Texas Governor and Trump Energy Secretary Rick Perry, who wrote Meadows on Nov. 4 proposes to three state legislatures to ignore the will. of their voters and get their state electors to Trump.
“HERE IS AN AGGRESSIVE (sic) STRATEGY: why can’t (sic) states of GA NC PENN and other R controlled state houses claim to be BS (where conflicts and elections are not scheduled that night) and just send their voters to vote and send it to SCOTUS,” Perry’s text message read.
representative for Perry told CNN at the time that former Energy secretary denies being the author of text. However, several people who know Rick Perry previously confirmed to CNN that the phone number the committee linked with this text message is Perry’s number.
“We control them all”
Trump Jr. also tells Meadows that Congress can intervene on January 6 and revoke the will of voters, if for for some reason they were unable to provide sufficient electoral votes incline to an end in trump favor using state strategy.
That option, according to the text of Trump Jr., suggests a scenario in which neither Biden nor Trump will have enough electoral votes be declared the winner by prompting the House of representatives vote by state party delegation, with each state receives one vote.
“Republicans control 28 states, Democrats control 22,” Trump Jr. wrote. “Once again Trump is winning.”
“We either have vote WE control and WE win OR he will be sent to Congress on January 6, 2021,” he writes to Meadows.
AT series of notes in beginning of January conservative lawyer John Eastman suggested an option of this idea.
The Eastman memorandum lay out a six-step plan for Vice President Mike Pence intends to cancel the election for Trump, including throwing out in results in seven states because they supposedly had rival electors. In fact, no state has actually delivered forward alternative tablet of the electors were just Trump allies who said they had no authority.
eastman, who has been subpoenaed by a House Select Committee and is fighting to keep some of his notes secret from investigators, was charged by Carter of likely to attract in a criminal CONSPIRACY with Trump cancel the election.
“Dr. Eastman has an impeccable record as a lawyer and respectfully disagree with the judge’s findings,” said his lawyer, Charles Burnham. in response to the decision of the judge.
Trump Jr pushes Meadows to fire Ray and install loyalist in the FBI
Trump Jr ends his Nov. 5 message with a bell for litany of personnel moves to strengthen his father’s control over in government placing loyalists in key jobs and initiate investigations into Biden. family.
“Fire Ray, Fire Fauci,” he writes, referring to FBI Director Christopher Ray and White House coronavirus adviser Anthony Fauci. Trump Jr. then proposes to do former acting director of National Intelligence Rick Grenell interim head of FBI and having then Attorney General Bill Barr “elect a Special Counsel on Hard drive from Biden hell crime family.”
Because Trump refused to give in in days and weeks after the 2020 election, there were rumors that he was still considering firing Ray, along with several other senior officials with whom he disappointed.
Trump and his allies sharply criticized Ray for failure to produce information which, they argued, would harm political enemies, including Biden. CNN previously reported that the prospect of Trump firing Ray hovered over FBI for weeks from to Election Day.
Bye Ray remains in his post and Barr resigned in mid-December 2020 without naming special Attorney Investigating Bidens, Trump Jr. Text Emphasizes just how the situation in the Ministry of Justice was unstable. in direct aftermath of elections.
The same true for Trump Jr.’s recommendation that Meadows replace Ray with Grenell, someone who not only lacked the usual qualifications to lead FBI, but also was a proven track record of make former President’s request.
Following a controversial three-month tenure as acting intelligence chief Trump Grenell hit in campaign drag in from the end of 2020 to help promote Trump’s unsubstantiated claims of massive voter fraud and support its legal challenges in a key swing state: Nevada.
November 5, Biden held a thin lead over Trump in Nevada, but it looked like it was ready win States six selective votes. On the same day Grenell and Trump campaign officials announced they filed new action to stop counting of illegal votesbut did not provide any proof support their demands of rampant fraud.
This story was updated with new Details of a text message Trump Jr sent to Meadows.
Jamie Gangel and Tara Subramaniam of CNN contributed to this report.