Congress Party Leader Rahul Gandhi on Sunday Prime Minister Narendra Modi targeted over A New York Times report claimed that the Indian government It was hindering the efforts of the World Health Organization to publish its estimates on Covid excess deaths. According to the report, the WHO estimate will show that India death The number of cases of coronavirus disease is nearly eight times The official Preparation.
On Twitter, Gandhi said that a file prime minister . does not speak truth Nor allows It is spoken by others. he is added That his previous claim of 40 lakh deaths in India because of the virus stands its innocence, urged government to provide R4 lakh as compensation for families of these who Die of COVID-19.
Modi Ji does not speak truth, he does not allow others to speak . wrote Lok Sabha member from Wayanad in Indian on Twitter along with screenshot of New York Times article “India disrupts WHO effort to make global death toll from coronavirus public.”
“They still lie that no one Die of Oxygen deficiency! I said earlier also – 40 lakh Indians died, not 5 lakh, due to government neglect in Corona virus disease. Please, Moody J – give a compensation of R4 lakh for each victim family,” he is added.
Ministry of health and family well-being said in statement that government Objection to WHO’s methodology for Mortality estimate caused by Covid-19. The ministry stated that the same account is mine model Cannot be used to calculate Covid deaths for big country like India and for else countries with a small population.
“India basic was not objected with The result (Whatever it is) but the approved methodology for The same.”
“It specifically includes anxiety on how statistician model Project Estimates for country of Geographical size & population of India and also Fits in with else countries which has the smallest population,” He. She added.
The government also Surprised over sentence in The report, which said that the New York Times can obtain the figures of the World Health Organization of covid-19 death toll for India but ‘unable to know estimates for else countries”.
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By: Sallie Anderson
Title: Rahul Gandhi targets Prime Minister Modi over Report on covid world health organization death estimate | India latest news
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Published Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2022 08:42:08 +0000
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