We’ve all been told that we need to have a strong and stable core, but do you know why or how to achieve that goal? Master Coach Rebecca Rouse gives us the “Why” and the “How” for increasing your core strength and stability.
Why do you need to build a strong, stable core?
►Protects the spine and prevents injury
►Connects the upper/lower body and allows them to work together
►Improves balance
►For athletes, a strong core allows the body to produce more power
►Translates to exercises outside the gym, such as carrying groceries, picking up kids/grandkids
First, stabilize. Then, breathe. Finally, move.
Five Core Strength & Stability Exercises
1.Dead bug
2.Bird dog
3.Tension (hardstyle) plank
4.Side plank with rotation
5.Suitcase march/carry
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