The Sunny-Side Up To This Superfood

No yolk: Eggs are great – here’s why:
Eggs are undeniably a great food to keep on hand. Not only are they a versatile source of lean protein (can be used for any meal of the day), but they’re a “quick-cooking” ingredient too, meaning you can use them to readily whip up a meal. And relative to other sources of protein, eggs last a while; with proper storage, eggs can last for at least 3–5 weeks in the fridge!
Where the opinion on eggs is more mixed (or scrambled, if you will) is in regards to the diet. Egg yolks get a bad rap because of their cholesterol content, and the stance on them has flip flopped over the years as the recommendations about and research on cholesterol has evolved. While your average large egg contains 187 mg of cholesterol and 8% of your daily allowance for saturated fat, dietary cholesterol is no longer believed to increase “bad” cholesterol. Still, the latest version of the US Dietary Guidelines For Americans recommends no more than 300 mg of cholesterol per day. Therefore, the accepted stance on egg yolks is that they’re A-Okay, just no more than 7 yolks per week, or 1 per day.
Here at F-Factor we say the pros of eggs greatly outweigh the cons and are all for them. Never to EGG you on without giving you the facts, here’s 6 powerful reasons why you should keep eggs in your diet:
Egg yolks are rich in choline, an essential nutrient that acts as a precursor for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is involved in functions like muscle control and memory may even help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. Choline has been associated with improved mental alertness, memory and even higher test scores on exams.
Where whole eggs are a medium-fat protein, egg whites are a lean protein, and a very low calorie one at that. One large egg white provides 3.5 grams protein for just 20 calories and 0 grams fat. Protein is essential for building new and maintaining lean muscle mass, which helps keep metabolism going strong. It also repairs muscle after exercise (so you can continue exercising), and helps to fill us up and keep us feeling full, especially when combined with fiber. The fuller you feel, the less likely you’ll be to snack unnecessarily and/ or overeat at the next meal; and, therefore, the more likely you’ll be to lose weight. Eggs are also a good source of riboflavin, a B-vitamin used in carbohydrate and fat metabolism.
Eggs contain all the amino acids that are needed to build keratins, which are not just a hair treatment, but a group of tough, fibrous proteins that form the structural framework of certain cells, the cells that make up our hair, skin, and nails. Including eggs in the diet, therefore, can help strengthen hair, skin, and nails. Egg yolks specifically contain vitamins A and E. Vitamin A promotes the cell turnover of the skin, helps treat and prevent acne and psoriasis, and battles the free radicals that breakdown collagen and lead to premature aging. Vitamin E is often found in different beauty products, especially anti-aging creams because it promotes elasticity, rehydrates the skin and can protect against sun damage.
There’s a physiological reason eggs sound so good the morning after a long night of drinking. Eggs are rich in the amino acid cysteine that helps break down acetaldehyde, the toxin responsible for those awful hangovers. So whether you choose scrambled, fried, or a hearty omelet, a hefty serving should get you on your way to recovery.
Lutein and zeaxanthin are both antioxidants found in eggs that promote eye health. Lutein, specifically, is a carotenoid that is thought to prevent oxidative damage to the eye and reduce age-related eye disease. Egg yolks also contain vitamin A, which in adequate amounts, helps prevent night blindness, regulates the immune system, and prevents mutations during embryonic development.
Egg yolks contain some vitamin D, which aids in calcium absorption and helps prevent osteoporosis. As we age, bone density naturally decreases, which puts us at risk for osteoporosis and bone fractures. The risk for such health issues is magnified for women, as estrogen levels concurrently decline with age. By getting adequate vitamin D throughout the different stages of your life only helps prevent these problems later on.
No matter which reason gets you to eat eggs, preparing them at home is the best way to make them the healthiest. To read about different ways you can make eggs at home click here.
The post 6 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Eat Eggs appeared first on F-Factor.
By: Jessica Rossman
Title: 6 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Eat Eggs
Sourced From:
Published Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2022 19:20:55 +0000
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